I’m Back

Welcome back to #BreakfastWithBill

For those of you who remember what we used to do, I’m back.

For those who are new to #BreakfastWithBill, it is a live broadcast where we talk mainly about agriculture with other things that interest me thrown in. I always appreciated input from the smartest audience in agriculture.

I went back to “my old job” as head of the Farm Service Agency for USDA in Illinois back in November of 2017. I now am returning to what I really like to do which is just straight out farming. This program resulted from an idea my wife had. Judi also farms and has a few other businesses. We were at lunch once talking to a former National leader of a farm organization and several other people who manage organizations, or work in the agricultural industry. “Man I would have liked to have recorded that” was a quote from Judi. My reply was that many of them could not “officially” go on record with what they said. But, I could. The audience is what made #BreakfastWithBill. You guys sent me so much information that was really beneficial to others in agriculture.

We are going to avoid a few “trigger” topics so we do not get run off social media. Maybe later or a live in person meet up, whenever the virus lets us.

For now I will go back to Twitter to announce when we go live. Follow @billgraff or hash tag #BreakfastWithBill to see when. Live will be on YouTube for now.
Subscribe so you don’t miss it: https://www.youtube.com/c/BillGraff

We will try this afternoon, January 29,2021 as a trial run. Look for it on twitter.

4 comments on “I’m Back

  1. tom Eldridge says:

    what subjects do we stay off of? and what are your thoughts if we do encounter a rea drought in this country? I realize the farmers almanac is forecasting good moisture for the spring but there is a distinct possibility.

  2. Brad Peel says:

    Glad your are back Bill!👍

  3. Guy H. Allen says:

    let me know thw detais. time place,,,


    1. William Graff says:

      YouTube live Monday Thursday Saturday
      BillGraff is the channel
      Twitter live Tuesday Wednesday Friday

      All at 7:30 am

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